

"you don't understand!" she cried, "you really don't get it, do you? you only get this one shot, this one chance to prove yourself to yourself. because in the end, you're the only one that will be let down. when all of this is said and done, gone, like all the yesterdays and second chances, what will you have left? yourself. and once you let yourself go, there will be no one else left to catch you when you fall."
he stared forward, through her eyes and her heart to the wall behind her.
she looked into him.
he turned away.



i wish i could begin to describe to you the beauty that lies south of the 49th parallel.
this place i call home is not where i belong.

i want green.
i want freedom.
i want a night that fades to early morning and a sun that never sets.
i want a place where my clothes don't always have to match.
i seek simplicity without style or borders,
a life where i can give more than i will ever take.

my soul aches to get away,
my body cries to help.
my head is constantly in search of something else,
something greater than myself.



i left part of my soul on this street.

things i've learnt this week ;

pay your phone bill monthly.
it's ok to be angry with God. he'll understand.
it takes a lot of earl grey tea to accomplish any sort of serious studying.
over prepare - then go with the flow.
no one is in charge of your happiness but you.
always choose life.
forgive everyone everything, even yourself.
time heals almost everything. time just needs time.
miracles are everywhere.

real life is beautiful.