


it has been a splendid couple of days.

the cabin was wicked.
there is no other way to describe it,
other than blissful.
everyone came together,
we sang,
built friendships and new meaning,
and ice rinks !
i laughed till my diaphragm hurt,
and even then i didn't stop.
today we went skating.
i've decided i quite enjoy winter activities alot.
or maybe it's just the people that winter has brought into my life?
especially with this lack of winter winnipeg is experiencing.

i remembered today that the sun pokes through the clouds in a new way every morning.
and i'm excited to have a new outlook on life.
reinvent myself, one day at a time.
i love who i've become so far.



inside the poorest house

windows boarded up
in a neighborhood where i would most certainly have my iPod and LG device stolen
a baby was born.
in a toilet.
(yes, a toilet.)
the mother, Heather something-or-other,
sat down,
and crunched out a baby.
into the toilet.

"it just fell out.
like, i thought it was my intestines
so I'm like freakin' out,
i'm gonna die,
but then it's a little boy."

what a pleasant day in history.



with 2009 coming to an end

there are some things i would like to promise myself
and some reflections i would like to make

we'll start with promises.
i promise to support my friends, through thick and thin, no matter what happens.
i promise to learn to trust myself a little more each day.
i promise to make the right choice.
i promise to have faith in myself.
i promise to take chances.
i promise to live each day like its brand new, and not let previous burdens hold me back.
i promise to remind you each day that we're beautiful, inside and out.
i promise to be the bigger person.
i promise to face each day with grace and patience.


don't know what I want,

but I know it's not you.
keep pushing and pulling me down,
when I know in my heart it's not you.

i should never have thought of you.

life update.

first exam today.
curly hair.
new tam.
sore back.
obsessed with the new john mayer cd.



and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom

-anais nin



dear s.

i'm sorry for what i said, even though i meant all of it.
you can't do this to people any more, it isn't fair. someday you're going to have to learn the art of compromise.
with that said, it wasn't meant to be anyway. you were right in saying it was all to easy.
i just wish you hadn't lied to me.
and seeing that look of disgust on your face, like i was wasting your time, cut me like a knife.
because i would never give anyone that look, and i've been burnt pretty badly before.

this all being said, i hope we can still be friends. i think you have wonderful potential. you just need to find the strength within yourself to push it.


you come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.



"where ever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."

this is my quote.
that thing i say to myself every morning before i get out of bed and face the world.

today was so excellent.
went to the Tav with J & N and did some much needed catching up.
they are the greatest.
i put an apology on the table, for not putting in as much effort as i should have from the beginning. but i know now that they will always be there, and i will always be ok with them by my side.
and i'm ok with that.
we talked about everything. it was so comfortable and open. for once, nothing was taboo.

goodnight :)